The two Faces represent two Elders from Paulatuk, NWT. Garett R. and Peter G. were instrumental contributors for the Berger Inquiry of 1976. This inquiry established the Land Claims Settlements of that period of time for the Western Arctic Inuvialuit.
Peter G. and Garett R. were community Leaders from Paulatuk, NWT. They were instrumental in establishing the Incorporation of Paulatuk; from a fishing/camping and goose hunting location; into a Township, located on the Western Arctic coastline.
The contributions made by these two individuals has had a major impact on the well-being and the impact of Community Development currently and for many more years to come!
– David Ruben Piqtoukun, ARTIST, THINKER and Daydreamer.
SPECIAL NOTE: Since about 2022 this work is catalogued with a revised title: People of the Midnight Sun
Each face has been inscribed with statements from Garret R. and Peter G. that are in the records of the Berger Inquiry of 1976. They bear witness to how life in the Arctic was for the Inuit, and what they observed happening to their culture over the course of their lives beginning from childhood recollections to seeing the effects of outside ambitions to exploit the resources of the north.
Collector inquiries welcome for this significant, curated, and highly valued sculpture. Materials: Brazilian soapstone, red pipe stone, black pearl stone, metal stand. Overall height: 7 ft. 5 in. Blue base: 49 in. W, 20 in. D Stone masks: 22 in. H x 14 in. W x 6 in. D